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Why Homeschool?

Why Homeschool?

"It has a rigid one-size-fits-all kind of education. All the kids are the same, there is no individuality. That's what they do to prisoners, and prisoners have to all wear the same kind of clothes"
- Hoda Yusuf on state education

Hoda Yusuf from BlissfullSoul shares her experiences 6 months into her homeschooling journey. In this video she explains why she took her kids out of state education. She mentions the benefits of taking children out of an inflexible system, and also the struggles and lifestyle changes she has experienced so far.

Watch the video for a good insight and arguments presented on why to homeschool, along with some great resources she has used.

It has been extremely useful to myself as my daughter is coming close to school age, and this is one of these topics I am constantly debating with myself. I'm sure many will agree with me when I say the benefits are clear, but taking the plunge is another story.

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